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1 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

I am sending this e-mail for my son Pedro Henrique Gil Soares...

"The first time i called the Cetusa Office i spoke whith Edgar and told i was living in a house whith my
friend Claricy and five more people.
We were not work. Edgar told me that it was normal about not working in four or five days and he was
right. One day later, i started to work, but still living on the livingroom at the apartament whith more
five people. And every day i called Janet to see move us because we couldn't stay in that house. For
three times she told that we were going to move but we didn't went. Till one day that i were maneger
cane to pick us and saw our beds at the living room and start called to Janet and explaned the
conditions that we were living for her. Only after this call, the next day, they bring us to the new
apartment. That is nice whith three bedrooms and stuffs, but the TV and the heat doesn't work.
This apartment is further from everything and we don't have money to take a taxi every day. So we
became depressive we spent the whole christmas alone at home and after this we thoght that we
will not get used to the city because its so diferent from our. In Brazil, we do evrething without taxi
or bus. So once again we tried to call Janet and tell her what we could do. But she never called me back.
So when i started to make the arrengements about leaving i talked with my our maneger and she said
that won´t be any problem. So i changed my flight.
I called some people that i know in Miami about housing and some contacts for jobs. I booked we in to a
hotel just for two nights because the apartament will be available just second january. And monday, when
i call Janet´s office and asked her if we could talk because we were not getting used to the city and we
were leaving and she told me whith threatening voice that if we leave that she will cancel the our vists and
we will be diference if we talk because she want change her mind. So i called to her office and i spoked
whith you and told you the whole story and you told me that will call Janet and talk whith her. When you
called me back you told me that Janet would stop by my house whith itinerary of the bus and some stuffs that we could do.
One more day she didn't show up and even called.
So if you want to get a job for us there we apreciate but we don't want stay here.
I am sorry but we didn't got used to this city. So we want to try in Miami because its also in our way home and
if we don't get used to the city we will go back home.
So please try to understand us."

Tank you for everything


Pedro Henrique Gil Soares and Claricy Holm

Traduzindo em miúdos, NADA do que foi descrito no contrato foi cumprido. Até o telefone que DIZEM ficar 24 horas no ar ficou sem me atender nas 4 vezes em que precisei. Acham que vamos passar fome se não ficarmos com as regras deles. Precisam cuidar mais da qualidade dos exponsors pois o que foi sentido é que querem ganhar mais dinheiro colocando 7 pessoas em um cubículo onde prometeram que ficariam 2 pessoas.